- 辞旧迎新特惠:2025全面升级Odoo18 。预告旧版模块全场5折,满赠一键Odoo升级评估模块
- 即时下载:购买后从我的 订单下载
- 服务支持:购买后15天内邮件 安装指导
- 授权许可:购买即代表同意 用户协议
- 售后承诺: odooApp.cn 的模块与主题均保证功能与您下载时所见描述一致,如有异议可在下单后15天内申请免费退款
- 更多支持:务必参考 FAQ常见问题与答疑
1. 中文搜索引擎优化SEO支持。seo关键词推荐包含Google谷歌,Bing必应,baidu百度,Sohou搜狗等搜索引擎的支持,大量节省你的推广费用,优化积累网站权重
2. 站内SEO。电商产品页及博客页,增加标签SEO优化,可以关联引用,优化站内链接
3. Bing必应专属优化。网站认证及通过Bing站长API提交url网页、博客、产品等内容更新
4. Bing必应专属优化。通过Bing IndexNow API提交url网页、博客、产品等内容更新
5. 百度专属优化。通过百度站长API提交url网页、博客、产品等内容更新
6. 全自动提交网站更新,包括产品页、博客新闻页、一般网页等至搜索引擎(百度,Bing必应)。一键即可设置
7. Odoo全站特殊优化,增补重要页面的SEO设置,如电商类目/博客类别等关键页
SEO for Website,Bing SEO IndexNow.Baidu SEO.Increase website visitors
Seo Expert for Google谷歌,Bing必应,baidu百度,Sohou搜狗,Taobao淘宝
- Features -
Extra Seo with Baidu, Bing, Sogou, Taobao, Google etc.
中国区搜索引擎专属增强支持。More powerful seo for more search engineer, keywords suggest.
Product and Blog SEO inside website. Url SEO across your blog and product via Tags
Bing verify, Bing IndexNow support. Bing Webmaster url submit support
One Click to submit your blog and product url to Bing Webmaster Api or New Bing indexNow.
Configurable Auto submit to bing or baidu if the website page, blog, product, etc... published.
Easy set for each website. Auto submit url to Bing or Baidu if update website.
Extra page seo like product category, Blog category page.
Add more seo setup to odoo system page, utm page, etc
Full Open Source.Multi-language Support. Multi-Company Support
Support Odoo 17,16,15,14,13,12, Enterprise and Community and odoo.sh Edition.
代码完全开源,多语言支持,多公司支持。Odoo 17,16,15,14,13,12, 企业版,社区版,在线SaaS.sh版,等全版本支持
1. Extra Seo with Baidu, Bing, Sogou, Taobao, Google etc.
You can select more keywords engine like bing and baidu. 更多的搜索引擎选择
One click to generate keyword suggest from multi search engine.一键多搜索引擎挖词
Always Auto submit the website product / blog / page update to search engine. Just in 1 click
2. Product and Blog SEO inside website. Url SEO across your blog and product via Tags
Setup the Blog Post tag map to e-commerce product
Auto generate internal link url between the Blog Post and e-commerce product page
Every thing gather via tags. Better for search engines.
3. Bing verify, Bing IndexNow support.
Easy setup bing verify code and indexnow api
One click to submit your website page, blog page, product page. 快速批量批次url
Get respond from bing and quick indexed your page.快速让网站被收录
4. Extra page seo like product category, Blog category page.
More seo setup for odoo e-commerce
More seo setup for odoo UTM
Tags setup sequence, etc..
In short time, you can get a better SEO result.
Just 1 Click push webiste to Bing or Baidu,一键提交网站至必应百度
- How to setup and use -
This app need no extra module. The price already included
1. Buy and Install
2. Input the extra information
3. Enjoy and easy use
4. More information in our FAQ
Technical Help & Support
For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us
via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)
Visit our website for more support.
版本 | 18.0 或 17.0 或 16.0 |