

353 / ¥ 339.90
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Google Bard Ai支持,odooAi服务中心功能之一。
odooAi Aigc Center可以利用Ai,自动完成多项odoo系统优化。自动odoo的多语种翻译。
Ai产品自动文案,网页Ai SEO,关键词选择,快速提高网站流量。
当前已支持包括ChatGPT4,微软Azure Ai,百度文心一言等。

¥ 5.00 5.0 CNY ¥ 1.00 不含增值税

¥ 1.00 不含增值税

优惠: 中国区9折 会员赠积分

Not Available For Sale

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运输:2-3 个工作日

Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

Ai center addons. all aigc in one.

Latest update: v16.23.10.11

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center Add google bard support, update chatgpt api
 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

Latest update: v16.23.03.16

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center
Key features:
  • 1. Multi ChatGpt openAI robot Connector. Chat and train.
  • 2. Multi Ai support including Google Bard Ai, Azure Ai, Chatgpt 4, Chatgpt 3.5 Turbo, Chatgpt 3 Davinci, Chatgpt 2 Code Optimized, 'Dall-E Image.
  • 3. Bind ChatGpt Api to user. So we can chat to robot user or use ChatGpt Channel for Group Chat.
  • 4. White and black List for ChatGpt.
  • 5. Setup Demo Chat time for every new user.
  • 6. Easy Start and Stop ChatGpt.
  • 7. Evaluation the ai robot to make better response. This training.
  • 8. Add api support Connect the Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service.
  • 9. Can set Synchronous or Asynchronous mode for Ai response.
  • 10.Filter Sensitive Words Setup.
  • 11. Multi-language Support. Multi-Company Support.
  • Support Odoo 16,15,14,13,12, Enterprise and Community and odoo.sh Edition.
  • 13. Full Open Source.

Add more Ai support like google bard, chatgpt 4, baidu china

Need to navigate to odoo app store to install addons

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

Please apply for the bard api first from google

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

Setup for your own key

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

Easy to use Ai Robot with multi Provider. Easy chat, easy help

Open Ai for more smart. Microsoft Azure chatgpt for china user.

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

1. Multi ChatGpt openAI robot Connector. Chat and train.

Goto Setting--> GPT Robot to setup your robot api.

Input your api key, And Select the api model you need to use.

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

You can set the Temperature higer for more creative answer.

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

2. Multi Api support, Chatgpt 3.5 Turbo, Chatgpt 3 Davinci, Chatgpt 2 Code Optimized, 'Dall-E Image.

Choose the model you want to use

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

You can set the Temperature higer for more creative answer.

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

3. Bind ChatGpt Api to user. So we can chat to robot user or use ChatGpt Channel for Group Chat.

Go Settings ->users, bind chatgpt to some user.

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

So you can have many user, and many chatgpt robot. This provide you an Ai pool.

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

You can set the blacklist to this chatgpt robot to limit request. Also you can setup Demo time for every normal user..

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

4. White and black List for ChatGpt.

5. Setup Demo Chat time for every new user.

You can set the blacklist to this chatgpt robot to limit request. Also you can setup Demo time for every normal user..

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

6. Easy Start and Stop ChatGpt..

You can easy chat with the apt robot with odoo IM

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

You can chat with several robot in the same time

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

If you have more than 1 robot in the group. you can @ the specify robot.

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

7. Evaluation the ai robot to make better response. This training.

You can Evaluation chatgpt's answer. Mark as good for good answer. Mark as back for bad answer.

With Evaluation, you can make your ai robot more smart.

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

8. Add api support Connect the Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service.

Azure openai add. It is for china and other country which no chatgpt service.

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

9. Can set Synchronous or Asynchronous mode for Ai response.

Synchronous(default) mode can get response then ask question again. Asynchronous mode would make you do other thing when waiting for response.

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

Multi-language Support..

 Google Bard Ai for odoo ai center

Technical Help & Support

For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us


Via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)


Visit our website for more support.


More Powerful addons, Make your odoo very easy to use, easy customize: odooai.cn Odoo Addons

