- 辞旧迎新特惠: 【已结束】2025全面升级Odoo18 。 旧版模块低至1折, 满赠会员加一键Odoo升级评估模块等三重好礼。
- 即时下载:购买后从我的 订单下载
- 服务支持:购买后15天内邮件 安装指导
- 授权许可:购买即代表同意 用户协议
- 售后承诺: odooApp.cn 的模块与主题均保证功能与您下载时所见描述一致,如有异议可在下单后15天内申请免费退款
- 更多支持:务必参考 FAQ常见问题与答疑
Odoo Chinese localization Enhance All in One.Local customize for china user
20+项中文优化,配合 www.odooapp.cn 的Odoo中文翻译版使用最佳
Latest update: v18.
Key features:
- 1. Chinese address format, applicable to all Chinese customers, suppliers, partners, users, employee information etc.
- 2. Default values in Chinese such as country, time zone and currency. Processing module base, product.
- 3. Add customer abbreviation and display addresses in Chinese; prioritize displaying customer codes.
- 4. Display phone numbers along with mobile numbers for customer addresses.
- 5. Currency processing with added sorting display.
- 6. Fixed bug where the category list and m2o field did not display the name of the Chinese directory.
- 7. Fixed bug where warehouse location list and m2o field did not display the name of the Chinese directory.
- 8. Superuser changed time zone to China.
- 9. Date format is year-month-day (e.g., 2023-08-08) and time is 12:34
- 10.Country sorting added; China ranked first
- 11.Display payment-related information according to typical practices in China.
- 12.Default export translation is set to Mandarin (po).
- 13.Added 'name_en_US' field in base model which updates translation value when assigned a value.
- 14.Common decimal precision adjustments made.
- 15.Sales team changed to "China".
- 16.Correct the 'Country' to '国家/地区', More Policy sensitivity.
- 21. Multi-language Support. Multi-Company Support.
- 22. Support Odoo 18,17,16,15,14,13,12, Enterprise and Community and odoo.sh Edition.
- 23. Full Open Source..

Set the address format to chinese. Including all customer, supplier, users

如果您需要中国省市国标数据和三级联动,您可以从此获取 app_base_chinese_city 应用
如果您需要国家、省市区多级树状展现,您可以从此获取 app_web_widget_ztree 应用

Set Default country, state, timezone, currency.

Fix Category Display not in english bug.


Technical Help & Support
For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us
Via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)
Visit our website for more support.
More Powerful addons, Make your odoo very easy to use, easy customize: odooai.cn Odoo Addons
版本 | 18.0 或 17.0 或 16.0 或 15.0 或 14.0 或 13.0 或 12.0 或 11.0 |