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MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

MRP Plan before produce. for multi products and multi warehouse. Calculate all semi and material request with multi bom level.


Latest update: v16.23.12.04

- Features -

MRP Plan before Manufacturing.

MRP For multi products and multi warehouse. Calculate all semi and material request with multi bom level.


Materials Calculation for Multi-level BoM.

Convert to same UoM and merge material request and semi demand for all levels.


Run material request to generate MO or PO or Stock Picking.

You can use MTO or MTS route follow odoo rule. You need to master odoo advance route setup.


Run Finished product request after MRP material calculations.

The semi or material request po or mo would auto create if you setup MTO rule.


All finished or material request follow odoo route to manufacture or purchase or use stock.

Add more pivot, graph views than origin odoo.


Full Open Source.Multi-language Support. Multi-Company Support.

Support Odoo 16,15,14,13,12, Enterprise and Community and odoo.sh Edition.

代码完全开源,多语言支持,多公司支持。Odoo 16,15,14,13,12, 企业版,社区版,在线SaaS.sh版,等全版本支持

- Feature Guide -

1. MRP Plan before Manufacturing. MRP for multi products and multi warehouse.

Calculate all semi and material request with multi bom level.

MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list


MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

2. Materials Calculation for Multi-level BoM.

Convert to same UoM and merge material request and semi demand for all levels.

Let's Get the feature from the Sample scenario. We have product as follow

MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

After MRP Process, we get all semi and raw material.

MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

Merge raw material and semi request

MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

3. Run material request to generate MO or PO or Stock Picking.

You can use MTO or MTS route follow odoo rule. You need to master odoo advance route setup.

MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

Auto get All the PO from MRP request.

MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

The Qty is Follow by MRP Result.

MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

4. Run Finished product request after MRP material calculations.

The semi or material request po or mo would auto create if you setup MTO rule.

MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

Semi MO Auto create if the semi set to MTO.

MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

All finished or material request follow odoo Schedule plan and route.

Make product to manufacture or purchase or use stock.

MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

Multi-language,Multi-Company Support.

Support Odoo 16,15,14,13,12, Enterprise and Community and odoo.sh Edition.

Full Open Source.

MRP material calculator for all bom level, material request list

Technical Help & Support

For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us


Via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)


Visit our website for more support.


