- 辞旧迎新特惠: 【已结束】2025全面升级Odoo18 。 旧版模块低至1折, 满赠会员加一键Odoo升级评估模块等三重好礼。
- 即时下载:购买后从我的 订单下载
- 服务支持:购买后15天内邮件 安装指导
- 授权许可:购买即代表同意 用户协议
- 售后承诺: odooApp.cn 的模块与主题均保证功能与您下载时所见描述一致,如有异议可在下单后15天内申请免费退款
- 更多支持:务必参考 FAQ常见问题与答疑
POS Wechat Pay China,微信支付收银台.商家扫客户-客户扫商家,网站支付
1,073 /
¥ 993.29
POS Wechat Pay, Website wechat payment
Latest update: v13.23.11.25
Key features:
- Wechat payment for china.
- 1. Pay with wechatpay in POS. Point of sale wechat payment.
- 2. Two mode support. Merchant scan customer QR e-wallet, or Customer Scan Merchant QR.
- 3. Advance auto or manual wechat sync and pay. Better for POS for complex onside field, eg. bad network, bad barcode scanner.
- 4. Website show QRCode, wechat scan and pay(Native mode).
- 5. Mobile pay inside wechat(微信内直接支付jsapi)
- 6. Get report and Reconciled Bills between odoo and wechat. easy debug.
- 7. Compatible with all odoo POS business.
- 11. Multi-language Support. Multi-Company Support.
- 12. Support Odoo 16,15,14,13,12, Enterprise and Community and odoo.sh Edition.
- 13. Full Open Source.
Pay with wechatpay in POS. Point of sale wechat payment
2 mode support. quick with wechat payment

Quick wechat pay in barcode scan. no need click or input

Quick Show Merchant payment QR with POS amount, Customer scan to pay

Advance auto or manual wechat sync and pay.
Better for POS for complex onside field, eg. bad network, bad barcode scanner.

Pop error message for any payment issue.

Cashier can input the wechat e-wallet number if issue with barcode scanner

Cashier show payment amount with QR, for customer scan with wechat

Easy setup and easy get payment report
Input the appid and secret. Also you need to setup in pay portal of wechat first.

Get report and Reconciled Bills between odoo and wechat. easy debug.

Payment in wechat inside
Customer just 1 click to pay

Payment in website QRCode scan
Customer use wechat to scan the qrcode to pay

follow odoo workflow rule after pay. Sale order confirm and done.

Easy config and well document
you can find manual how to setup once you buy

setup for mobile wechat pay jsapi

setup for pc wechat pay qrcode native

Quick Debug and Exception handle
you can manual sync payment for Exception, if got network issue.

you can see all the payment flow from wechat payment portal.

Debug for for payment detail.

Multi-language Support..

Technical Help & Support
For any type of technical help & support requests, Feel free to contact us
Via QQ: 300883 (App user would not get QQ or any other IM support. Only for odoo project customize.)
Visit our website for more support.
More Powerful addons, Make your odoo very easy to use, easy customize: odooAi.cn Odoo Addons
版本 | 18.0 或 17.0 或 16.0 或 15.0 或 14.0 或 13.0 |